
miercuri, 30 mai 2007

Evaluare creatie

Pentru ca promiteam sa impartasesc cu voi si un sistem de evaluare a unui "creative work", iata mai jos un exemplu de instrument intern, de agentie.

Se numeste “The 5 stars system” © (n-am gasit alta rima :). Presupune 5 etape, o lucrare buna trebuind sa obtina minim 3 stele la fiecare din cele cinci filtre.

1. Eloquent communication & branding *****

- in line with the brand essence and vision (critical)
- clear message; simple but witty story
- visible but clever branding
- message adaptation to media vehicle
- consistency through the whole campaign

2. Fresh & breakthrough idea *****
- attention grabbing elements (impactful layout, smart copy)
- memorable idea (conceptual speaking)
- originality

3. Relevance *****
- good insight about brand and consumer
- interesting differentiator

4. Charisma *****
- can support heavy exposure without boring the viewer
- immediate empathy

5. Production values *****
- state-of-the-art execution
- surprising alternative media

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